Social Fixer Support
When requesting support in any forum, it's always helpful to follow a few guidelines:
  1. Be clear and concise. Explain exactly what you did, what you expected to happen, and what happened instead.
  2. State your browser and version (see above)
  3. State the version of Social Fixer being used (see above)
  4. List any other extensions or software you use that might contribute to the problem.
Support is handled by a group of helpful volunteers, as well as the user community. Please be kind and courteous when interacting with those who could help you.
  1. Social Fixer User Support : The Official support group on Facebook
  2. FAQ about software issues
  3. FAQ about business practices
  4. SFx Snippet/Filter Development : For community discussion of advanced CSS or Filters
  5. SFx Off-Topic : An open forum of users, where any topic is welcome!
If you are using a beta or test version, please keep questions or comments in the BETA group so other users don't get confused.
  1. Social Fixer BETA Testers